Sunday, July 3, 2011

What is this?!

My gosh. An update after 6 long months of silence. I'm sooo sorry for neglecting my dear blog. :S I've been planning to blog for so long but I couldn't help but procrastinate and delay the task despite how dead bored I was during the holidays. I guess assignments aren't the only things that a student can procrastinate about.

Anyway, I've recently just recovered from a rather severe bout of acute tonsillitis. Severe because I've had tonsillitis before, but I've never had it this bad. I'd show you guys a picture, but it's really gross and prolly make me lose readers. Eheh.

With only one day left until my winter semester classes commence, I was just reading other people's blogs and thinking how diligent they are, updating their blogs every few days and how pathetic I am, wasting a whole month of holidays without even updating once.

Well, it's finally the end of my holidays and I've finally summed up enough willpower to actually blog. I keep wanting to do looong updates with shitloads of pictures, but then I realised these long posts don't come easy -.- So I'm just gonna start off slow with teeny basic updates for now :)

Like my nails? Just did them yesterday. MYSELF. *proud* I procrastinated a whole week before doing them though. I'm so horrible. Lol. Then I realised that it is a good thing too, cuz then when classes start they'll still look fresh and unchipped. *joy* Oh, and it's not black, its a dark metallic blue. And yes, my fingers are peeling like maaaaddd because I played my guitar a little bit during the hols. Guess the poor thing is back to gathering dust now that I'm gonna have classes.

I can't say that I regret my hols though it was kinda shitty. Stayed home every single day, hardly getting to see my friends. Only going out 5 times within those 6 weeks. Getting so sick at the end. But at least I got to meet some of my friends. Better than none at all right? :)

OH. Also, newsflash! DAD SOLD MY CAR. So I am currently carless (which explains my holiday situation) right now. Gonna drive mum's [less valuable] car to school. Everyone thinks my dad is gonna get me a car for my birthday. I think NOT. Not in another 2 - 3 years is he gonna get me a new car. Trust me, I've seen the signs. Haha.

Now all I'm hoping for this winter sem is keeping up my no-fail streak. Gonna make myself work my ass off for two subjects within SIX weeks. My uni is crazy but we get this shit all the time so we're used to it. :) Tatas for now!


hana said...


I cannot stop staring at them and want so badly to replicate in on mine now only I have neither dark polish nor stars. Also, no talent or creativity whatsoever when it comes to nail design boo.

And lol at long posts taking up so much time really it does which is why I'm butt lazy to post anything and have a million pic folders I'm trying to ignore each day XD

Christine said...

The stars come from another bottle of glittery nail polish. I just had to dig them out manually. Haha. Not that hard la :)

And the more pics I take with the sole purpose of blogging abt them, the lazier I get when it comes to editing and uploading. And then comes the guilt. lol x______xlll