Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Persevere! And other random stuff...

Day two of my winter sem and I'm almost ready to drop dead.

I already have a presentation tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. And 2 assignments due in another 15 days. One assignment is to design and code a Game and Watch game from scratch using Adobe Flash and Dreamweaver, and another assignment is to create a typography animation using Adobe After Effects. I'm not even that familiar with After Effects omg. T__T

On a lighter note, I bought a pretty new skirt from my cousin's shop over the weekend. Decided to try it on yesterday. Hmmm. I think I like it :))

And yes, as usual, my room is a horrible mess, but let's not delve further into that, shall we? And yes, I stick post-its on my mirrors as reminders. My memory has been getting pretty ridiculous lately.

Anyway, what do you think of the skirt? :D My sister won't let me wear it to school cuz she thinks it's too short though. So I don't think it will be seeing the sun anytime soon. -.-

Done with rant, now back to work. Toodles!!


hana said...


its cute and flary and girly and flirty and all the things I want in a skirt but can never wear because I have huge hips.

But yes its cute! What short lah isn't that the whole point. as long don't wear on windy days and use the stairs and escalator then i see no problem.

Christine said...

Wow, Hannah.
That was really quick o______o

Haha. I don't know...my family doesn't like me wearing skirts to classes. It's weird.
My sis said if I want to wear it to school then at least wear it with tights. -_______-"