Sunday, July 3, 2011

Smoky Sexy Eyes :D

I'm on a roll! xD Just a short post today too, wanna show you guys something. Been meddling with make up lately, and I'm very fascinated with how people can make their eyes look so fierce and pretty just by blending the right colours. Especially like in Michelle Phan's make up tutorials.

Was looking at the make up at Watson's the other day, since they were having some sale. And I saw these eyeshadow palettes from Revlon, and THE COLOURS ARE SO PRETTY!!! Apparently it's called the Revlon CustomEyes Shadow and Liner.

I like the Naturally Glamorous (upper right) and the Smoky Sexy (bottom left) colours! I'm contemplating getting the Smoky Sexy palette but it's RM33. I'm not a make up pro and I don't usually splurge that much on the make up.....but I'm thinking of making an exception and buying it. Should I? Or should I forget it? :S Is it overpriced? Come to think of it, it was originally RM40++ before discount.

Should I get it?! T_______T

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