Saturday, July 23, 2011

The big 2-0.

Temporary freedom!!! Just handed in two of my assignments this week. Now for an assignment-free weekend, until we get the new briefs on Monday. It's been a crazy hectic week for me. Assignment deadlines and birthdays. My birthday, to be specific. Teehee.

Me being vain because I rarely wear make up and take selcas anyway :)

Celebrated in advance with the family first on Sunday night at The Carvery. That place is seriously amazing. More than 9 types of meat served buffet style AND served to our table!! Didn't get to take a lot of pictures cuz we were all so busy stuffing ourselves. Talk about fat farm.

Only managed to take a few pics before leaving though. Me and mumsy. Finally wore my new floral skirt!! :D Though my bag was blocking it in this pic -.-

Here's a pic with a better view of the skirt and me looking like some bitchy snob lol. Mum snapped the pic before I was ready = = No cake that night because we knew we'd be too full to have desserts.

Oh and dad got me a netbook that day too. Which is what I'm using right now. Outside. Oh the convenience of it all! ♥ It's secondhand but still in pretty good condition. Just the battery's a little weird. Am gonna use it for personal stuff and internet surfing only since it can't accommodate my Adobe programs. And the desktop shall be used for mostly work stuff~

Anyway, on Wednesday, which was the actual day, Jess(who booked me for lunch a month in advance wth) picked me up for lunch right after my class ended. Went to Millions with me thinking that it was just gonna be the two of us like on her birthday. Little did I know there were gonna be surprise guests who *ahem* told me they were busy and couldn't make it. But thanks for showing up and surprising me. I had a gooood time :)))

This girl who was texting the whole time and me thinking she was texting her boyfriend. But she was texting Nimai instead.... . . . . . .


The only decent candid pic that Jess took of me that doesn't expose my fatness lol

Nimai sadface because his food came in a small bowl and he considers it as eating the decoration and Nimai happyface because his shirt matches Jess's shirt that day.

Thank you, awesome people who surprised me and treated me to lunch :DD
(Yes, I ignored the rules and wore the skirt out to school anyways haha) Btw, remember the mug that my beloved monkeys got me last year for my birthday?

This one? Well, baby just broke it a week before my birthday. Which means it didn't even live up to a year old. *sadface* I was pretty upset about it cuz it was so cute. But this year they got me another one which was much more special :O

Roar, be awed by its awesomeness! Replacement mug!!! :D with our faces on it! Thank you, my monkeysss!! I love you guys ♥ ♥ ♥

I shall end this post with a random pic that I took of the sky that I'm kinda proud of xD

Toodles!! Thanks to everyone who wished me on fb and txted me!! I really appreciated the fact that you guys remembered cuz I hid my birth date on Fb. Ehehehh. I'm so old now.... *sobs*

1 comment:

hana said...

Looking good Christine!

Also, I cannot resist on commenting on the irony of the cup's fate. Shit happens INDEED XD