Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mummies Day~

Say hello to the awesomest dog ever, Cammi.

One night my brother came home and saw her holding something in her mouth.

Like so.

Two nights later, he came home and he found this:

Well actually she was trying to get to the cat but we were trying to help it escape. But she caught it anyways. And swung it around like a ragdoll until it was silent and limp. Sadistic, but me and my bro wished we had recorded it though. It would've been an epic videooo.

Anyways, sister's wedding this weekend. Super busy. But fun nonetheless! Yay, I finally get the room to myselfff. xD will post pictures another time, when I get them from the photographers. Wanted to take pics myself, but was too busy, so....yeah. You get it. And it's like a big present for my mummy for Mummies day: Watching her daughter get married. Though, its a little saddd. But more to happy. lol.

Now Imma go sleep. I am soooo deprived of sleep, it's almost not funny.