Tuesday, January 27, 2009

CNY: First Day



To those who came today, thanks! Hope you enjoyed you're visit. :D

To those who didn't but wish to, do let give me a call or something to let me know. I'm sorry I'm not really blogging about how 1st day was. I am really extremely exhausted. G'nights!

By the way, looking forward to "Photobucket" tomorrow, if you know what I mean. :p

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year, Everyone! :D

Happy Chinese New Year!


Have fun visiting friends; old and new,

Stuffing yourselves with glorious foods and tidbits,

ang paos,

Playing cards and gambling,

Lighting up firecrackers and watch them explode,

Watching firework displays,

Looking good in your brand new clothes,

And getting drunk with your friends and family!

Teehee. We are teh lamerz.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Prepared much?

Okay, my mum did speak too soon. = = The weather is all dark and cloudy again today. Don't wanna write about Jakarta today. Wait till the weather puts me in a good mood again. Anyways, you guys should know by now that my maid went back on Saturday.. So I'm home everyday doing the house chores. And when I'm hungry, I gotta cook on my own. And I am no where near good at cooking. So on Monday I tried to cook a cheese omelet on my own. Since I couldn't find the cheddar or mozzarella cheese anywhere, I opted for Parmesan cheese instead.
I'm sure this is how people usually beat the eggs first, right?

Then I tried to sprinkle some of the cheese into the egg but the whole friggin' lump just plopped out of the container and into the egg D:
So I just went ahead and stirred it in.

This is the end result. It tastes fine, really, I just need some practice on the texture and look of the omelet. TT____TT

Oh, and good news for Ammy though, I baked my last batch of cookies yesterday night. She'll be glad to know the baking frenzy finally is over. :P I've actually lost count of how many cookies I baked so far..

Some choc-covered macadamia nut cookie..er..thingy. Lol

These were supposed to be choc-flavored, but my mum doesn't like choc so she substituted it with coffee instead. Bleagh.

My favourite, shortbread!!!

Cross-eyed with delight at the taste of the cookies!
Sigh, I love them short bread cookies. Hopefully I have the will power to resist them before CNY even gets here!

All that yummy grated cheddar cheese...

To make cheese sticks!

Owh yumnesss.

I ♥ U

And that's the very last of the cookies I made! Fun, much. Even more fun to eat them during CNY! :P Shoot, I hope I can fit into my CNY clothes! It would suck so so bad if I couldn't!
Oranges anyone?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jakarta!: Part 1

Damnnn... The weather today is just. GORGEOUS. ♥ We haven't had this weather in weeks and I'm not exaggerating there as its been raining like the end of the world shit in Kuching this whole month. Oh gosh oh gosh please make the weather stay this way till after CNY! Sighhh. I shall be looking forward to tomorrow's weather. My mum says the rain's over. I hope she didn't speak too soon. Since the weather is so damn gorgeous, I shall finally write about my trip. Teehee.

Saturday night

Honestly I was eager and reluctant to leave Kuching. Eager to leave the rain, reluctant to leave my phone, internet, friends and the comfort of my home. Yes, even if it was only for three days.
Now, remember when I said that the moon would be the brightest on Saturday night? Upon reaching Jakarta I could see the moon! :D Took a picture but I'm lazy to upload it. Lols. My uncle's long time friend and his [really pretty] daughter was there to greet us at the airport. I thought she was like, 16? Pfft. She's 12. NOT FAIR! Anyways, he brought us to our hotel.


Aah, I love that hotel! In fact, I love all international hotels. Like the one I stayed at Bali too. Damn the service is good and the staff are actually super nice! Unlike the hotels in Malaysia where the staff are usually sour-faced and snappish. Learn, damn it, LEARN!

Damn, I love the room! My mum was exhausted so she slept almost immediately.

Greetings from Jakarta :D

Kon fits the bed snugly! Just like he did in Bali. :p

Woke up with a very big shock cuz we got an sms from my sister saying that Kuching is flooded! Phew, looks like we left just in time.
Good morning, Jakarta!

Kon slept well!

Showered and went down to breakfast and I saw the pool.
Damn, right? If its too dark for you to see, the water flows to the inside of the building, like, behind the glass. And I was told that they actually have music playing under the water!!! Shit!

Stairs leading down to the pool and the restaurant. See those chairs?

These are what they're for. You can actually bring your own DVD and play it in the DVD player and sit back and watch! RAWR!

Had breakfast(Oh so wonderful food!) and my uncle's friend came to pick us up. My uncle was stressing on how this was my first time coming to Jakarta so we went on this 2-hour drive around the whole city. Sort of a tour, I guess. Jakarta is HUGE. And there are lots of skyscrapers and glass buildings everywhere! Sorry I'm just so awed. Heh. Oh, and there are very cool statues like, almost everywhere! No kidding though. I saw all these effin' expensive hotels like J. W. Marriott and The Carlton. Talk about international chain hotels. Damn.

The President's palace.

Very cool Da Vinci building.

Remember that pic I put on here before I left? The one that looks like Las Vegas? That's Plaza Indonesia. This is that.

The fountain in front of it.

One of the many statues in the city.

This fella is holding a plate of flames or something. But my uncle likes to call him the Pizza man cuz it looks like he's carrying a pizza.

We also passed this Pakistanese demonstration. So many friggin' people! Like few thousands!
Than we went to eat at this restaurant that my uncle's friend ran called Sop Ikan Batam. Apparently its famous for its fish soup. It was good, maybe just a tad too salty though. Then he brought us to this mega-rich neighbourhood to have a look at the houses.

Fuck, these people have nothing to do with their money but to build a lake in front of their houses and ride their own motorboats in them! The adults were all teasing me saying this is where I should come to find a rich ass husband. No arguments there! Gladly!
And then It was the time I was looking forward to the whole day!
Mal Kelapa Gading. Damn good stuff there. I walked in and there was this 50% sale on evening dresses going on and I saw this gorgeous dress. Like,
Heck, I wanted it! But guess how much it costs? Rp. 775,000. That's like, RM234. And that's after the 50% discount. So the original price was RM468. WTF. There goes my chances of getting it. Always look at the price tag before you let yourself fall in love with clothes.
I found a dress that I liked and actually bought though. But you can't see it!! Cuz I'm gonna wear it for CNY! :p

But you can see this dress cuz I didn't buy it. Har. Didn't do much but shopping that day. And after a while I got bored while waiting for my mum and my aunt while they try clothes.
After like, 3 hours of shopping, getting lost and walking till our feet hurt, my uncle came to pick us up for dinner and we ate at this really authentic Singaporean restaurant. The food was just like home! And my uncle found out that the chef was a chinese-trained Malay he was just plain shocked. Like, wtf. LOL. Oh and look at what I saw on the way to dinner!

End of shopping day one.

And my uncle wanted to bring me to this highland place called Puncak. So he said his friend'll pick us up at 10am. Since we have lots of time the next morning, I planned to wake up early and go for a swim in the much alluring pool. Then later on that night my uncle called and said change of plans. We'll be leaving for Puncak at 8.30am. WTF. I wanted to swim! TT____TT Sighhhh.
Oh by the way, I love the TV here. They have Animax, MTV, [V], HBO, Cinemax, Starmovies, E! entertainment and almost all those friggin' channels you find on Astro! Crap! I love this hotel so much♥

Didn't get to swim. :(
Just went down to breakfast.
Yesterday, cereal. Today, porridge! Owh yum I miss the buffet breakfast. Then we left for Puncak. Long ride, and after a while it started to rain.
Looks like we didn't escape the rain after all ._.

*Aaahh. So much more to write! I shall continue tomorrow. Lol. Stay tuned!*

Oh btw, I've been doing the chores in the house everyday and its bloody
annoying when I get calls from my siblings and my mum calling me "MARIA! OH MARIA!"
wtf. Just wait till I feed your underwear to Cammi.