Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Oh, I forgot to mention that I was going to Singapore before this. Well, I'm back. So expect a post soon. I'm not sure how soon though, cuz I got sick -.- and I need to get most of the pics from my cousin's camera since I couldn't really take proper pics with my mobile camera.

Anyways, 3 days to Christmas! ;) And someone's coming back tomorrowwww!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Today is not my day. Shit happens. And sometimes, if you're really unlucky, even the most ridiculously impossible shit happens.

Bah. I found something cool today anyways. Have you ever found that Bar Code Reader app on your mobile phone and wondered how it works? I did. Tried it on the bar codes on stuff I bought. Doesn't work. Now try and scan this :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


It's 2am...I can't sleep and I'm sort of in a dilemma... . . . I won't say what about yet though, you will find out soon. For now just to keep my mind preoccupied I shall blog about something really random. My lipbalm "collection". :P

←oldest to newest→

Previously I had horribly dry, chapped, peeling, cracking, anything-else-you-can-think-of-except-herpes lips. Then it so happened that my mum had a brand new Nivea Essential Lip Care lipbalm that she didn't want. So she gave it to me.

It literally did miracles for my lips, no kidding. My lips are hardly dry and chapped anymore! And I used it religiously everyday and night. When it was finished I went to buy another and found one that was even better. Hydro Care. Got that for RM7+.

When that finished, I went to buy it again but it was always sold out. So I got the Cherry one (was the last Nivea lipbalm left wtf). I thought it would just smell like cherry but it was really red when I wanted something colourless. So I went to yet another pharmacy and found the hydro care one but guess how much was it. RM11. I was so shocked the price could shoot up 4Ringgit in just a few months!! Cilaka one!

Then when that finished too, I went on another hunt. At another pharmacy, the last one left was the Soft Rose one. Tried that. Was a very light pink, wasn't as red as the cherry one but it wasn't moisturizing enough. So I went to another pharmacy again, and wth hydro care was sold out there too! Why so in demand ah T___T So I got essential one again. Just got it today(Monday), actually.

So thus goes my wild goose chase for the perfect lipbalm. Haha. Sorry if this bores you, but it was just something I felt like sharing. If you have dry lips, I highly recommend these!! :)

Ps, don't ask me why I still keep the finished ones. I'm not sure, but I guess I just like seeing them all together like that. Lol. And I still use the pink and cherry ones. I apply them over the colourless ones depending on the occasion. Cherry for dinner parties for redder lips, and Soft Rose for daytime use cuz it has a more natural colour. :3

Monday, December 13, 2010

Life as it is :)

Okay, something happened today that kinda shocked me. My puppy somehow escaped from her cage while Cammi was out. I was so scared for her. :C But fortunately, they seem to be getting along fine. Cammi seems very curious about her and keeps chasing her when she runs away.

Oh, I realised that you guys don't know the puppy's name yet. I named her Cassie :)) But no offence to my friend Cassandra, kay? :O Lol. Cuz my dog names all begin with C. Cutie, Chloe (not around anymore), Cody (not around anymore too), Cammi and then there's Cassie! :D

Well, so far things are going well... Cassie seems to submit to Cammi. Like, she would crouch down and stay still when Cammi stands above her. Brother says that things should go smoothly if we give them a few hours of supervised playtime everyday. We gotta let Cassie know that Cammi is more superior! Also, my brother plans to get another rottweiler puppy. A male puppy. Oh boy, indeed. So I'm kinda worried about how rough he's gonna be when he grows up. @@

Anyway, I want to show you guys something awesome I found through Jin's (behindinfinity on DeviantArt, in case you don't know) Twitter!

Wait for it....

Click on pic to enlarge

Super cute riiiight?! I can't decide which to call my favourite! These characters are drawn by this girl who calls her self Jacket. And she posts them on her blog. Go check it out! She even does comics about them! Like how Blogger has a crush on LiveJournal and stuff. Hilarious! She also has a DeviantArt account, so go check that out too! She does a lot of kpop fan art as well for those interested xD ♥

Friday, December 10, 2010

Long time no see :)

So...I changed my blog skin...again. Is it driving you mad yet? I'm finally having my hols! Been M.I.A for 2 months on this blog and when I come back, I look at the skin and I decided that I didn't like the colours. White has always been my colour, I guess. Found an old header that I made last year so might as well use it since it's Christmas season already. :D

And it's Shanice's first Christmas! (Last Christmas she was in confinement and spent most of her time sleeping so that doesn't count) Her first time seeing Christmas trees. She's coming to Singapore with us this year. I'm kinda worried about how she'll hold up in the plane though. Even if she's not a new born anymore. :S We're going to Universal Studios! Looking forward to that! Speaking of which, I need to do a lot of preparing. Like repainting my nails. Not really contented with the current purple colour :/

Editted cuz I was bored :3 I do not have purple eyes -.- (I wish, though) Also, I am a major noob at make up Should I paint my nails red? Something fitting of the Christmas season ♥ I wanna look the season this year. Which means I need to get a new santa hat too cuz mum threw out mine. It had pigtail braids attached to it!!!!! Grrr.

Oh, and I got a new puppy :O

Don't try and resist her cuteness

A rottweiler mix with no-idea-what-breed. No, she is not Cammi's pup. My brother-in-law found her walking into his shop one day covered with ticks so he took her in. Now she's living with me. The day she came to my house in a box she was so quiet and shy. Now she has her own cage and makes a lot of noise. -.- I dare not let her play with Cammi yet though. I'm afraid Cammi might kill her :(


Aih, dad says we might move her to my grandparent's house. I'm worried she might run down the hill and get run over by a car or something. :C Not entirely sure if he's really serious about it though. We'll just have to wait and see....