Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sun, sand and sea.

Ohai. *waves meekly* So procrastination got the better of me again and my so-called hibernation session lasted over a week. Sleeping my days off feels good though. Other than that I've been spending my time playing my guitar or running errands for the fam. Anyway, here's a post on my brief visit to the beach! :D 

Be prepared to see a lot of scenic photos lol.

Stayed at Damai Puri for the weekend a couple of weeks back. They were having some promo and mama had some company briefing there so she booked rooms for the whole fam. 

Me and Mich camwhoring in the room. In my haste to change and run like mad to the beach, I forgot to take pictures of the room. I wouldn't say it was small, but rather...under-furnished. And there were ants D: So much for being high-class, puri -__-

The weather was pretty glorious for the two days that we were there. No rain, almost no clouds at all.

Which also means this would probably be the last picture of me looking this fair. Got a little tanned but the worst damage was on my back. Can't believe I remembered to apply sunblock all over but forgot all about my back.


Sat on some rocks to enjoy the sea breeze and take pics for a while before going into the water. Poor baby freaked out when she stepped on the sand it was soft. Took a while for us to convince her it's safe to step on.

Random jellyfish sunbathinglying in the sun.

*Compulsory jumping pic*
Mich's expression: Sun..too bright
Me: Screw the sun, I'm at the beach yo!

After we finally convinced baby to step into the water. She didn't want to get out anymore after that -__-

And then there's this picture. Cracks me up every time I see it. I have absolutely no idea what I was doing and I have no recollection of that moment. Hahahaha. Went to the infinity pool after that to chill and get the sand out of our clothes. The weather was still so hot even in the late evening that the pool water was warm wtf. Then it was time for dinner! 

Went to some beach restaurant, instead of Buntal cuz dad felt lazy to drive so far boohoo. 

And the food wasn't so bad, I guess :)

Only managed to take pics of the crab and fried oyster with egg cuz we were all so ravenously hungry and started eating as soon as the food arrived lol. Went back to the rooms after that to chill for a while.

What the halls outside our rooms looked like. *creepy*

Walked to Escobar at Damai Central with brother and Mich afterwards. Big footie match that night so it was super crowded. Luckily managed to grab a table outside after some people left early.


Mich looking so pretteh.

And a blurry pic of me and Mich because my brother insists on taking the picture in Auto mode. Auto suuuuuuucks. Drank a little, talked and nommed a little till 2am. Then went back to catch some zzz.

The sun was still so freaking bright the next morning!

The view from our rooms.

Baby enjoying the view x3

Had breakfast (it sucked to be honest lol) then went to walk around the place.

Us and our hats lol.

The infinity pool!

Randomly snapped this picture and was quite happy with it! ♥


Random speed boat far out at sea. I love my camera's zoom ability lol.

*rasa model*

Went back to change and played some more on the beach after that. My poor poor skin lol.
Then went to Bayridge at Damai Central for lunch since we didn't eat much for breakfast.

Omnomnom. Bean curd, bilin and bamboo clams. Yummy seafood is yummy.

Damai Beach as seen from Bayridge! After lunch was a very sleepy car ride back home. After this trip, the fam and I have agreed that Damai Puri is boring compared to Damai Beach lol. And Damai Beach rooms are better compared to Puri's (if you get the normal rooms instead of the suite ones) plus you can have your own barbecues at Damai Beach! But I shan't complain, I came for the beach, and that's what I got :) Had my share of fun ♥

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